Online Pre-Application
Durham Housing Authority
Durham, NC



Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO)Thank you for your interest in Durham Housing Authority's (DHA) Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP). DHA maintains waiting lists for housing programs according to federal housing laws. The online pre-application is an easy, step-by-step way to enter your name for consideration in the HCVP PB Waiting List.

You must complete the entire form for the entry to be valid.

Completion of this online pre-application does not guarantee that your name will be placed on the HCVP PB Waiting List.

You can be placed on more than one of DHA's waiting lists at a time. This pre-application only provides a confirmation number for selection through a computerized process. This is not an application for any other program DHA administers.

If your name is placed on the project-based Waiting List, you will be notified and required to submit evidence of income, assets, expenses and citizenship or eligible immigration status for all members of the family. At least one member of the household must be a citizen or eligible noncitizen in order to be eligible to receive rental assistance.

Before you begin the form, you must have the names, dates of birth, and social security numbers available for all household members you want to include on your application. You should also know the amount of income, assets, and expenses for each household member.

When your name reaches the top of the project-based waiting list, you will be contacted via mail. DHA will include a list of documents to collect and bring to its offices on or before a specified date. Upon receipt of a completed application, DHA will begin the eligibility process.

Applicants selected are required to meet the qualifications of the program before obtaining assistance. When an applicant does not meet the qualifications, they are determined ineligible and removed from the Waiting List. Applicants are removed from the list when the household is over the applicable income limit, fails to provide documents in the manner and by the due dates described by DHA or fails to meet the screening criteria.

An applicant may withdraw at any time. In addition, there are several ways to forfeit a position on the waiting list. Here are some examples:

  1. When an applicant fails to supply the application packet by the due dates described by DHA.
  2. When the income for the household exceeds the established income limit or any household member owes an outstanding debt to a public housing authority or has been evicted from publicly assisted housing within the last five years.
In the examples listed above, DHA will notify the applicant of the forfeiture. In the first example, DHA will not place the name on the waiting list and in the second example; DHA will determine the family ineligible and remove the name from the waiting list.

If you have any questions, you may contact us:

Address: Durham Housing Authority
423 Morris St.
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 683-1551
TDD/TTY: (800) 545-1833, ext. 774

Completing the Pre-Application:
As you complete the pre-application, look for the following symbol:

* - Indicates that the information is required

Important: To move from one step of the pre-application to another, you must use only the buttons at the bottom of the entry form. (The Begin button is below. Other steps have Next, Back, Confirm, and/or Submit buttons at the bottom that allow you to go forward and back within the entry form.) Using ANY OTHER option, including right-clicking with your mouse and selecting Back or Forward, will cause an error and may force you to begin a new entry form.

Click the Begin button to start your entry form.